Chairman Ischinger called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
ADEQUATE NOTICE was given as follows: Notice was sent to the Star Gazette and Express Times. Notice was posted on the Municipal bulletin board in the Township Administration building in Oxford Township, New Jersey, and notice was filed with the Township Clerk.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Ischinger, Dr. Yeager, Ms. Smorzaniuk, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Cratch, Ms. Accetturo, Ms. Ciaburri, Mr. Dresser Members Absent: Mayor Lazorisak, Mr. Calabrese, Mr. Born
COMMUNICATIONS: A list was provided to the Land Use Board members.
MINUTES: A motion to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2005 reorganization meeting as written was made by Mr. Dresser, seconded by Dr. Yeager, all ayes motion carried.
ZONING OFFICER'S REPORT: The zoning officer submitted his report for January 2005. Zero permits issued, Zero permits denied, multiple calls and questions.
DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Angelo Accetturo - 34 Axford Avenue, Oxford NJ, for Block 37 & 34, Lots 8 & 67. A Resolution to Memorialize a Minor Subdivision application with variances for the above referenced property. This application was granted approval on January 10, 2005. A motion to approve a Resolution granting Minor Subdivision approval with variances was made by Mr. Dresser, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg, Vote: Dresser Rosenberg, Ciaburri, Smorzaniuk, Yeager - Ayes, 0 - Nay, 0 - Abstain, motion carried.
2. Sabra Networking LLC/Brian Quigley - 39B Wall Street, Oxford NJ. Block 6, Lot 3. A Resolution to Memorialize a Site Plan waiver for the above referenced property. This application was granted approval on January 10, 2005. A motion to approve a Resolutiion granting Site Plan waiver was made by Dr. Yeager, seconded by Ms. Accetturo, Vote: Yeager, Accetturo, Ciaburri, Dresser, Ischinger, Rosenberg, Smorzaniuk - Ayes, 0 - Nay, 0 - Abstain, motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment offered.
VOUCHERS: A motion to approve vouchers submitted for February 14, 2005 was made by Dr. Yeager, seconded by Ms. Smorzaniuk, all ayes motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margaret Housman, Secretary Land Use Board
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