DECEMBER 14, 2004
The regular scheduled workshop meeting of the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Oxford was held on December 14, 2004 in the Township Municipal Building, 11 Green Street, Oxford, New Jersey.
The meeting was called to order at 7:42 PM by Mayor Alex Lazorisak, who announced that the meeting had been properly advertised in compliance with the OPRA of 1975.
In attendance were Mayor Alex Lazorisak, Phil Rosenberg, and Angelo Accetturo.
Art Groves, of Global Environment Services Inc. discussed the findings of the study he conducted on the sewer infiltration problem in the Township. He will set up four more meters in different sites to monitor the problem. The Committee asked him if he could calculate rainfall with readings that were received from the meters. He will give the Committee a full report and all his findings at the January 2005 meeting.
On motion by Mayor Lazorisak, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg, and passed unanimously on roll call vote, Art Groves was authorized to install the meters next week.
Sharon Cooper of Brown and Brown Insurance gave the Committee a listing of all the people that are bonded through the Township. She also gave the Committee the 2004 PAIC Coverage, Policies and Procedure Manuals.
Sharon discussed with the Township Committee, 2005 renewal comparison - coverage that is offered and her recommendations. The Committee thanked her for coming to the meeting.
On motion by Mayor Lazorisak, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously on roll call vote the Committee adopted Resolution 2004-1215, which provides for the Director of The Division of Local Government Services to approve the insertion of any special item of revenue in the budget.
On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mayor Lazorisak and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the Committee adopted Resolution 2004-1216, which states deposits be removed from escrow accounts that no forwarding address is found and deposited in the Township�s general fund.
On motion by Mayor Lazorisak, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the Committee adopted Resolution 2004-1217, authorizing the Planning Board to conduct preliminary investigation for areas in need of redevelopment.
On motion by Mayor Lazorisak, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the Committee adopted Resolution 2004-1218, canceling property tax refunds or delinquencies of less than $5.00.
On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mayor Lazorisak and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the Committee adopted Resolution 2004-1219, appropriating $100,000 under the caption of Sewer Utility - Sewer Treatment Costs.
On motion by Mayor Lazorisak, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the Committee passed budget transfers for contemplated expenditures.
On motion by Mayor Lazorisak, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the meeting was adjourned at 12:35AM.
Respectfully Yours,
_____________________ ____________________
Alex Lazorisak, Mayor Sheila L. Oberly
Acting Township Clerk