DECEMBER 15, 2004
The regular meeting of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Oxford was held on December 15, 2004 in the Oxford Township Municipal Building, 11 Green Street, Oxford, New Jersey.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alex Lazorisak at 7:35 PM who announced that the meeting had been properly advertised in compliance with the OPMA of 1975.
The flag salute was recited.
In attendance were Mayor Alex Lazorisak, Phil Rosenberg, Angelo Accetturo, Sheila L. Oberly, Robert Benbrook, and Bill Gleba.
On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mayor Lazorisak and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the Committee adopted Resolution 2004-1220, Municipal Storm water Grant for $5,000.
The bids for the 2005 Recycling Contract were asked for by the Mayor. Only one bid was received from Second Chance. The bid was opened and read. On motion by Mr. Rosenberg and seconded by Mayor Lazorisak, and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the bid was accepted subject to review with the Township Attorney.
On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the minutes from the November 10, 11 and 23 meetings were approved as submitted.
Ordinance 2004-15 was read on second reading and opened to public comment. Joan Mulligan asked if there were going to be a dog census this year. The Mayor stated the Committee is looking into having one. Mayor Lazorisak closed the public hearing. On motion by Mr. Accetturo, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg, and passed unanimously on roll call vote, Ordinance 2004-15 was adopted.
Ordinance 2004-16 was read on second reading and opened to public comment. There being no public comments, Mayor Lazorisak closed the public hearing. On motion by Mayor Lazorisak, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg and passed unanimously on roll call vote, Ordinance 2004-16 was adopted.
Ordinance 2004-17 was read on second reading and opened to public comment. There being no public comments, Mayor Lazorisak closed the public hearing. On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously on roll call vote, Ordinance 2004-17 was adopted.
Ordinance 2004-18 was read on second reading and opened to public comment. There being no public comments, Mayor Lazorisak closed the public hearing. On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously on roll call vote,
Ordinance 2004-18 was adopted.
Ordinance 2004-19 was read on second reading and opened to public comment. There being no public comments, Mayor Lazorisak closed the public hearing. On motion by Mr. Accetturo, seconded by Mayor Lazorisak and passed unanimously on roll call vote, Ordinance 2004-19 was adopted.
The Mayor introduced Bill Gleba, of Finelli Consulting Engineers who attended in Mike Finelli�s absence.
Mr. Rosenberg stated that he would be talking to Mike Finelli about the speed limit on Wall Street and Lower Denmark Road and will report on the information received at the January 2005, meeting.
Don Morrow, attorney for Jim Popinko of Organic Aggregates gave the Committee information about having a Class A Recycling Center in Oxford. This would be located on Block 26, Lot 87. The roads that would be used for this operation would be Jensen Drive to Quarry Road. Mr. Morrow asked the Committee for their support of this project and to attend the Warren County Freeholders meeting. He also asked the Committee to write a letter to the Freeholder Board endorsing this project. Mayor Lazorisak will meet with our attorney, Robert Benbrook to comprise a letter to the Freeholders.
Dave Clark explained the operation and answered questions from the Committee and also showed the Committee the finished product. Ted Bauer of Bauer Engineering presented graphs and drawings.
The Mayor opened the meeting to the public for any questions or statements they may have about Organic Aggregates. There were no comments and the public meeting was closed.
Mayor Lazorisak will meet with Mr. Benbrook to write a letter to the Warren County Freeholders.
On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously by roll call vote, to endorse Organic Aggregates and send a letter to the Warren County Board of Chosen Freeholders.
Brian Quigley of the Oxford Volunteer Fire Company read a statement to the Committee correcting any misunderstandings about their finances with regard to their budget.
Robert Benbrook, Bill Gleda and Angelo Accetturo stated they had nothing to report at this time.
Sheila L. Oberly was sworn in as Acting Township Clerk of Oxford starting January 1, 2005.
Phil Rosenberg recognized Kathy Becker on her 31 years of service as Township Clerk of Oxford. He also welcomed Sheila Oberly as the new Acting Clerk. Congratulations were received by both from the Township Committee.
Public Comment:
Sarah Leich of the Express Times asked about the progress on the problem of the sewer infiltration. Mr. Rosenberg answered that the Committee hired Global Environment Services to look into solving the problem.
Loukas Koufodontes of 69 Shippen Ridge, asked the question on the progress of the backyard issue in Spring Meadow. Mr. Rosenberg told him he would have to call Finelli�s Office to get the update.
Joan Mulligan had questions about people recycling. She stated that when she rides through town, people are not taking advantage of the recycling offered to them. She asked that someone look into enforcing residents to use this service. Mr. Rosenberg asked her if she would like to be on the Recycling Committee and if she would like the responsibility of asking residents to recycle. She accepted the nomination.
On motion by Mayor Lazorisak and seconded by Mr. Accetturo, the Committee went into Executive Session at 9:20 PM to discuss the PRUMA budget, the sewer infiltration problem, and the letter received by Judge Steinhardt from Wall Street Partners. No action was taken.
The meeting reconvened at 9:45 PM.
Bill Gleda of Michael Finell�s Office will write a letter to First Indemnity of American Insurance Company to extend our six Rider �A� Maintenance Bonds for the Spring Meadow Subdivision.
Mr. Rosenberg stated that there will be more discussion on the police contract the first week of January 2005.
On a motion by Mayor Lazorisak and seconded by Mr. Rosenberg, the mayor will sit down with Bob Benbrook, Township Attorney and compose a letter to Judge Steinhardt about the contract between the town and Wall Street Partners.
On a motion by Mayor Lazorisak, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the Mayor and Mr. Benbrook will meet to author a letter to PRUMA concerning the contested sewer charges for 2004.
There being nothing further to come before the Township Committee, on motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mayor Lazorisak and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the meeting adjourned at 10:00PM.
Respectfully yours,
___________________ _____________________
Alex Lazorisak, Mayor Sheila L. Oberly
Acting Township Clerk